MLB Picks

I’m Back… And with MLB Picks!

Hello friends!

It's been awhile but it feels great to be back! I know I've been on quite the hiatus - basically since the beginning of March. Long story short, I was promoted at my day job! This was of course great professionally and financially, but it definitely reduced (if not removed) my spare time for awhile. Because of this, I took a break from my online projects to settle in and catch up with my new responsibilities. Luckily, things settled down a couple weeks ago and allowed me to get back in the game.

If you had followed me over the winter, you know that my primary focus is betting on the NBA. One of my goals, however, has always been to get into MLB betting as it is my favorite sport to follow; and some considerit the “easiest” to bet of the major sports. With that in mind, I spent the past few weeks developing a model to predict the outcomes of MLB games. It is quite different from my NBA model, which predicts the final score. This MLB model predicts the probability for each team to win based on various metrics (which I'll get into in a later post this month).

So far, it is absolutely on fire. Granted, I didn't start tracking it until July 1 and it's difficult to back-test the way it is set-up at the moment, but I've added a nice bump to my bankroll in just four weeks. Since it is new, though, and I don't have much to back it up, I am going to start providing my MLB picks absolutely free this season. Hopefully, the streak will continue and we can all cash in!

That's all for now, but be sure to subscribe to my blog and follow me on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all my new picks, posts, and more! I'll try to send out picks each morning, and I plan on writing a new blog post at least once a week. It's also been an absolutely crazy summer in the NBA (read: Durant's a Warrior?!), so I'll definitely be writing about all the big free agency signings as well.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you'll be back soon!


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